
 Are you an ICANN related registrar?

No we are not. We use the service of an ICANN registered registrar, eNom (,...

 Can I cancel anytime?

You are free to cancel at anytime you want. If you cancel within the first 45 days the full...

 Can I get a dedicated IP address?

Yes, all of our hosting services allow you to add a dedicated IP to them. Our rates are...

 Can I send out Unsolicited Commercial Email (SPAM)?

NO. We have a very strong stance against the use of UCE to promote your site or product. Any site...

 Do you allow adult related websites?

Yes we allow you host adult related websites on our network. However, we do not allow the hosting...

 Do you automatically disconnect someone for exceeding their bandwidth limit?

Before you reach your allotted bandwidth transfer emails will be sent to you. We will allow your...

 Do you have forums?

We have forums that you can visit at . We encourage everyone to use...

 What are your terms of service or acceptable use policy?

Our Terms of Service policy can be found at and our Acceptable...

 What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Card, PayPal, and check/money orders that...

 What kind of connection do you have?

Our data center has multiple 40/100gbit connections through Level 3/CenturyLink, NTT, Telia and...

 What shows up on my credit card statement?

Netwisp, Inc.

 Where do I send my check/money order?

Please make the checks payable and send them to:   Netwisp, Inc. 1644 Commodore Ct. #4...

 Who owns the domain name I register with your company?

Short answer: you do. The WHOIS information is setup with your contact information for...